Welcome to JRITM, Journal of Research and Innovation in Technology, Commerce and Management. JRITM is an online platform for researchers to collaborate and provide innovative solutions to society. It is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, online international journal that publishes articles in all fields of Engineering & Technology, Commerce and Management. This journal has started on 3rd May 2024 and it is a monthly publishing peer reviewed journal. This journal will publish 12 issues per year. One Volume will contain 12 issues. This Journal is supported by Commerce and Management Association of India(CMAoI) Patna, India (Weblink of CMAoI)

JRITM is an English Language Journal of Multidisciplinary fields of Technology, Commerce and Management published in India and serves as a platform for scientists, managers, and engineers across various fields including engineering and management to share high-quality, peer-reviewed papers. The rigorous selection process ensures that all published work is original, timely, relevant, and accessible.

JRITM offers numerous benefits aimed at enhancing research skills and supporting academic career advancement. As journal publications are crucial for academic progression, JRITM focuses on publishing high-quality papers that emphasize learning within its specified areas of interest, making them valuable to educators, researchers, and academicians.

The journal invites authors to submit original, unpublished work that presents current research in fields such as Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, and Computer Science, as well as Commerce and Management. Submissions should be in the form of research papers or manuscripts that adhere to the journal’s style and undergo both review and editing.

At JRITM, we believe in providing researchers with a platform to showcase their innovative solutions, address unmet needs, and contribute to the global research community. We are a team of creative individuals dedicated to promoting new innovations and connecting them with the right audience. Ideas submitted to JRITM are valued and nurtured, influencing readers worldwide.

We extend an invitation to esteemed researchers around the globe to join our Editorial Board. We seek committed board members with a vision to expand the journal and build upon its success.

As an Editorial Board Member, you will have the opportunity to provide guidance on the journal’s development and invite new members who wish to play an active role in its editorial activities.

The Journal of Research and Innovation in Technology, Commerce, and Management is committed to publishing peer-reviewed expert reviews and research articles in all areas of engineering, science, and management. Our goal is to establish the journal as the leading forum for expert reviews and research articles in these fields.

Journal Title Journal of Research and Innovation in Technology, Commerce and Management
Starting Year 2024
Frequency of Publication Monthly (12 Issues per year)
Publication Format Online
Publication url https://jritm.org/
Subject Multidisciplinary Subjects
Language English